traumatic brain injuries

An individual can sustain a traumatic brain injury (TBI) in a number of ways. Automobile accidents, slip and falls, sports injuries, and recreational activities are common causes of traumatic brain injury. Our Hackensack personal injury attorneys have seen a wide variety of traumatic brain injury cases and can help if you or your loved one has been injured.

What Are the Signs of a Traumatic Brain Injury?

Before we discuss treatments for a TBI, let’s discuss some of the signs of a brain injury so that you can recognize a TBI and seek medical attention.

A traumatic brain injury occurs when the head receives a jolt, bump, or blow that injures the brain and disrupts the normal function of the brain. A penetrating head injury (object entering the brain through the skull) can also result in a TBI. 

Some of the common symptoms and signs of TBI include:

  • Loss of consciousness 
  • Vomiting or nausea
  • Drowsiness or fatigue
  • Loss of balance or coordination 
  • Speech, vision, or hearing problems
  • Headaches
  • Concentration and memory problems
  • Mood changes
  • Numbness, weakness, or paralysis 

If you experience any of the signs of TBI, you should seek immediate medical attention. A physician can perform one or more diagnostic tests to determine the severity of a brain injury.

What Are the Treatments for Traumatic Brain Injury?

The treatment used for TBI depends on the severity of the brain injury; therefore, prompt and correct diagnosis of the brain injury is crucial. For instance, a mild TBI typically heals with time, rest, and over-the-counter pain relievers, if needed. A person with a mild TBI should be monitored closely for additional symptoms or a change in symptoms. A doctor should be consulted before the person returns to school, work, or normal activities.

Severe cases of traumatic brain injury may require hospitalization, medications, surgery, and therapy. In many cases, the first stage of treatment involves stabilizing the patient to ensure the patient has adequate blood and oxygen flow. Stabilizing the head and neck to prevent further injury may also be required. Medical professionals monitor for signs of brain swelling or bleeding within the skull or brain.

A variety of medications may be used during the treatment of a TBI. For instance, anti-seizure drugs may be used to avoid additional brain injury or coma-inducing drugs may be needed to sedate a person to reduce the amount of oxygen needed by the brain to function. Diuretics may also be used to reduce the pressure within the brain from excess fluid.

Severe cases of TBI may require surgery to repair skull fractures, stop bleeding in the brain, remove hematomas, or drain fluid from the brain. 

Depending on the damage caused by the TBI, a patient may also require extensive therapy.  Forms of therapy that may be helpful for a TBI victim include physical therapy, speech and language therapy, occupational therapy, counseling, and vocational therapy. Therapy is often needed to help a patient cope with the changes and long-term effects caused by a TBI.

What Are The Long-Term Effects Of A Traumatic Brain Injury?

The long-term effects of a TBI vary and depend on many factors. Physical complications from a TBI vary greatly. A patient may remain in a coma or vegetative state or develop chronic seizures, headaches, or vertigo. Some TBI patients may suffer permanent conditions related to cognitive and communication functions (i.e. judgment, learning, and conversational skills). A patient may also develop sensory problems that impair one or more of the senses. Emotional and behavioral problems, such as depression, mood changes, lack of self-control, and anxiety can be life-altering. 

Infections and fluid buildup are often problems that can have devastating and life-threatening implications. Some patients who suffer a TBI also have an increased risk of developing degenerative brain diseases, such as dementia, Alzheimer’s disease, and Parkinson’s disease.

Contact a Hackensack Personal Injury Attorney for More Information

A head injury may not be as minor as you may believe. A TBI may begin with subtle symptoms or symptoms may develop over a few days.  It is usually best to be checked by a physician after any head injury, especially if you notice any symptoms or signs of a concussion or TBI.

Brain injuries and TBIs can have long-term implications for your health, emotional, and financial well-being. If another party is responsible for causing the injury, a Hackensack personal injury attorney can help you evaluate your legal options to recover compensation for your damages. Contact our Hackensack personal injury lawyers today for a free consultation to discuss your options for receiving compensation after a car accident.

Posted in: Brain Injuries