For many people, buses are a convenient, and often primary, mode of transportation. While bus travel is generally safe, bus accidents do occur and can result in serious injuries, not only to the numerous passengers on the bus itself but to other drivers, passengers, and pedestrians. If you or a member of your family has been hurt in a bus accident through no fault of your own, you may be entitled to significant compensation.
For this reason, it is crucial that you have skilled legal representation in addition to excellent medical care. If you live in the vicinity of Hackensack, New Jersey, you will find no finer personal injury law firm than Levin & Malkin. Our attorneys are experienced and compassionate, dedicated to fighting to make sure that you win the damages you deserve, if not through agile negotiation then through vigorous litigation.
We understand that a bus accident involves severe physical and emotional trauma, and we are fully aware of the financial pressure adding to your burden as medical bills mount and you remain unable to work. We have the comprehensive legal knowledge to win your case and the track record to prove it. Why not contact Levin & Malkin and join our list of grateful clients?
Types of Buses on New Jersey Roads
There are many types of buses on the road. In addition to city buses used by commuters, shoppers, and other travelers, there are charter buses taking riders to out-of-town locations, buses owned by religious and other groups, and school buses. You or a loved one may have been seriously injured in a bus accident involving any one of these. If the negligence of another person or entity (such as a bus company or New Jersey Transit) is liable, Levin & Malkin’s attorneys know precisely how to hold that party accountable. Our bus accident attorneys are available 24/7 and we will not charge you any attorneys’ fees until we win your case.
Causes of Bus Accidents in New Jersey
Like all traffic accidents, bus accidents have multiple causes. Though some crashes are due to unavoidable weather conditions or unpredictable events like an animal in the roadway, most are the result of human error. If you have been seriously injured in a bus accident due to any of the following, our capable bus accident attorneys will work hard to negotiate a settlement or, if necessary, litigate your case.
Distracted driving
Bus drivers, though professionals, can be distracted by any number of things: conversations with passengers, texting or talking on the phone, GPS navigation, eating or drinking.
Bus drivers are held to strict schedules in a world of traffic tie-ups so they sometimes speed to make up time where they can. Since buses are a good deal more difficult to maneuver, speeding while driving a bus, especially around curves, can be very dangerous.
Driver fatigue
Because bus drivers work long shifts, and because navigating buses is no easy matter, bus driving is a tiring job. Between not having enough rest and the tedium of watching the road, bus drivers are more prone than most drivers to fatigue that may interfere with their alertness and reaction time.
Drugs and Alcohol
Unfortunately, bus drivers are not immune to the scourge of alcohol and drug abuse. Obviously, an impaired bus driver puts a great number of lives at risk.
Mechanical Defects
Sometimes bus accidents that result in personal injury are the result of mechanical defects or dysfunctions. Faulty steering, brakes, or lights may be the result of a manufacturing defect, in which case our bus accident attorneys can sue the bus manufacturer. At other times, it may be the bus company’s negligence that is to blame since the bus itself has been improperly maintained.
Other Drivers
Not all bus accidents are the fault of the bus or its driver. There are some situations in which another reckless driver is at fault and must be held accountable. The driver of the vehicle responsible for the collision may have made an illegal turn or disobeyed a traffic signal. In such cases, Levin & Malkin can file a personal injury lawsuit against the driver who caused your injury.
Whatever the underlying cause of the accident that injured you, you can depend on our attorneys to investigate your case fully. In many situations, we may be able to sue more than one party, for example, both the bus driver and the bus company.
Bus Accident Damages Levin & Malkin Can Help You Win
Our highly competent bus accident attorneys have dealt with too many victims of avoidable accidents and have seen firsthand the terrible injuries they have suffered. Most have long-term consequences to deal with, so we make certain to seek damages to compensate you for expected future expenses as well as present ones, including:
- Medical, rehabilitative, and pharmaceutical costs
- Lost income (present and future)
- Assistive devices (e.g. canes, walkers, wheelchairs)
- Changes to make your home accessible
- Pain and suffering
- Scarring or other disfigurements
- Loss of consortium
- Loss of enjoyment of life
If you have tragically lost a loved one in a bus accident, Levin & Malkin can also assist you in filing a wrongful death lawsuit against the responsible party. Though we can not do anything to ease your grief, we can and will fight aggressively to win you damages to cover end-of-life care, funeral expenses and lost financial support to bring you a sense of justice.
Because it is a state-owned entity, you must file a notice of claim with NJ Transit within 90 days of the accident. Once your right to sue is preserved, our attorneys can work up your actual lawsuit for damages.
Complications Concerning Bus Accident Lawsuits in New Jersey
In New Jersey, there are statutes of limitations for filing personal injury claims that must be met. For example, if you are suing New Jersey Transit you must file a “notice of claim” within 90 days of the accident. Also, if you own a car, unless you have selected “no threshold” on your auto insurance policy (which increases the amount of your premiums), there will be a legal limitation on the amount of your claim unless your injuries meet a high level of severity. For these reasons, it is crucial that you work with experienced, well-informed lawyers who can navigate the complexities of law relative to bus accidents.
Contact Levin & Malkin to Get Your Life Back on Track After a Bus Accident
After being injured in a bus accident, you are no doubt overwhelmed. Levin & Malkin’s bus accident attorneys have all the knowledge and well-honed skills to help you restart your life. We will listen carefully to what you have to say, review police reports and medical data, examine the accident site and interview witnesses. We may also consult with experts in related fields (e.g. medical and mechanical specialists); if necessary, we will call on such experts to testify in court.
Whether you have suffered a bone fracture, a spinal cord injury, or other serious harm, our attorneys will remain your steadfast allies. We will fight with all our might to defend your right to compensation and will always be available to answer your questions and quiet your worries. Make sure you contact us before signing any paperwork and remember, we won’t charge you a penny until we win you the compensation you deserve.