Jet Ski & Boat Accident Lawyer Helping Victims in Bergen County
Boats and personal watercraft (Jet Skis, Waverunners, etc.) provide a fun way to get outdoors and spend time with friends and family. But like any other vehicle, they must be handled responsibly.
Any person boating recklessly or simply not paying attention risks the lives and welfare of everyone else on the water. Injuries caused by negligent boaters can be devastating. Our personal injury attorney at Levin & Malkin knows how to stand up for a victim’s right to receive full financial compensation.
Common Boat Accidents in New Jersey
Our experience with boating includes virtually all the waterways in our area. We handle accidents which occur on rivers, lakes, and offshore. There are far too many cases of negligent boating and irresponsible operation of Personal Watercraft (PWC) such as Jet Ski’s and Wave Runners on the Hudson River, Lake Hopatcong, Greenwood Lake, Barnegat Bay, and along the shore in the Atlantic Ocean. Reckless and drunk boat operators are a particularly serious hazard to the safety and well being of so many other safe boaters. We accept cases involving:
- Wrongful death and drowning
- Serious injury caused by drunk boaters (boating under the influence or BUI)
- Inexperienced or careless boaters
- Fueling and gasoline dock negligence which causes fires or explosions
- Passengers thrown from a boat due to crash or reckless maneuvering
- Boats striking submerged objects and unmarked water hazards
We know how to obtain the highest financial settlement for you. Our lawyers can also help you obtain necessary medical care by putting you in touch with skilled physicians or who are willing to defer payment until you after you are compensated.
Contact Our Hackensack Boat Accident Lawyer
As with all personal injury and wrongful death cases at Levin & Malkin, we accept boating and PWC accident cases on a contingent fee basis, so you pay no up-front legal fees.
Contact Us 24-7 For Your Free Case Evaluation by calling 800-975-0075, by filling out the contact form or email us at
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